Wednesday 11 May 2011

... and then the kids came along...

A New Beginning

It was all so easy in the early days. Those heady days of romance where you had the time and made the effort to put each other first. And then the kids came along...

It's ironic that the very manifestation of love can become such a threat to it. When children appear on the scene the dynamics of many marriages alters irretrievably.
Pushed Aside
Fathers in particular can experience feelings of jealousy as the arrival appears to replace them in the affections of their wife. A doting mother, too tired to make much effort on anything else other than feeding and changing the baby and keeping the house running, can unwittingly send out signals of coolness towards her spouse.
Too Tired to Care
Severe fatigue can affect marital relations and reduce the amount of carefree hours spent together. It can also reduce the level and quality of communication taking place between husband and wife. This is probably the single most harmful affect of the new family situation. 

A lack of communication during a period of increased stress is a recipe for discord and even disaster.
Put Things in Perspective
Some parents become overly devoted to their offspring - revolving their whole life around them. In reality this is unhealthy and a proper balance needs to be instilled into family life.
Kids are a blessing and provide parents with the ultimate satisfaction in life. However, allowing the kids to be the sole purpose of your life is not healthy for you or your marriage.
Raising children with a joint approach and ensuring that the family dynamic is positive and supportive for all is not easy to pull off. It is however achievable.
One thing's for sure; if your marriage is strong in the first place or if you have learned the tips and tactics to maintain a healthy marriage, raising kids is a far less risky business for your relationship.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Can your Marriage be Saved?

Deciding whether to proceed with a divorce or save your marriage is not easy for any couple. The only way to come to a decision about the future of your marriage is to ask yourselves some tough questions.

What are you fighting for?

Is your marriage worth saving? And if so, do both of you value the relationship and want to take steps to save your marriage?

Marriages are worth saving for many reasons but the reasons cited by both partners need to include an underlying love for each other and a commitment to not only save a marriage but to make marriage better.

If only one of you wants to make the effort, all is not lost. A marriage with one person trying to salvage it can still be saved, as long as that person knows the approaches to take.

What is Causing Stress in your Marriage?

Some marriages start to buckle without either partner having a grip on the actual causes. It is very easy to notice the symptoms of an unhappy marriage, as opposed to having a deeper discussion and identifying the actual causes.

A classic example of this is citing a lack of intimacy or even an affair as the reason for a divorce. In many cases these are the result of unhappiness within the marriage. They may never have happened if the initial problems in the marriage were identified, debated and resolved.

The two questions that need answering in any marriage heading for divorce involve a lot of soul searching and honesty. But these questions are the crucial first steps to getting your love back.

Friday 21 January 2011

Let Them Go to Get Them Back!

There are all sorts of different ways to try to get your love back. One way to change things around is to agree with the break-up! This might sound like a defeatist attitude but sometimes it can actually result in a re-unification. Find out how in this interesting video.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Marriage on the Rocks?

Is your marriage is in trouble? Do your efforts to get closer somehow seem to push your spouse further away? If your relationship is at crisis point and you’re interested in finding out how to save your marriage, read this blog.

We will be writing hints, tips and strategies for improving your relationship and saving your marriage.

We all need a helping hand sometimes and this blog is designed to provide you with advice on how to turn things around.

It's never too late to put effort into saving your marriage. With our guidance and your determination there is every chance you can rekindle your love.